PDAS 2022-01-02 Letter

PDAS Closed Tue, 1/4 步上光明路1月4日星期二暫停開放

January 2, 2022

Dear parent or guardian,

Happy New Year! We hope you had a safe and restful vacation week. I’m writing to inform you of change to our schedule this week: instead of opening on Tuesday 1/4, we will remain closed that day and reopen Thursday 1/6. 

This is not because of any positive cases of COVID-19 at PDAS, but an extra measure of caution as we come back from vacation with very high rates of positivity in Boston. We’re also anticipating logistical challenges in our local schools that may affect us on that Tuesday, therefore, we’ll remain closed to allow for students and teachers to receive their COVID testing results.

We also request that your child take a COVID-19 test at home and obtain a negative result before returning to school and PDAS. These were provided to all students in Boston before the break. If they experience any symptoms of COVID-19, please also keep your child at home. 

We will continue to take all necessary precautions to keep your child and the rest of PDAS safe and healthy. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via e-mail (pdas@bcec.net). 

Thank you for your cooperation,

Project Destiny Autumn to Spring (PDAS)







